Monday, March 14, 2011

New Ottawa Race Weekend Routes

I found out yesterday that Ottawa Race Weekend has changed the routes for the 10K/Half/Marathon this year. And I'm not talking a wee little detour. You can find the maps for all the distances here:

I couldn't find the old half-marathon map, so here is the old marathon course. The Half had a bit more pointless running to rack up KMs across the river in Hull, excluded the jaunt over to Rockliffe Park to the East and turned around at Bronson as opposed to Heron in the South.

The new course:

I have to say that I like it. I'm thankful that we get to run down the Somerset street hill. I also think it's a bit flatter than the old one, though running across the Alexandra Bridge and the Hill on Murray to Mackenzie late in the race is going to be a tough slog. I also like because I regularly run different portions of the course, so it'll be nice to be running a familiar race. I think my husband will like it because he'll be able to cheer me on early in the race and then head back to bed until he needs to be at the finish line!

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